
Health & Safety
On the Ball…

On the Ball…

WORDS & PICTURES: Gabrielle Versmessen

Between work, school, dinner, and family time, it can be difficult to find the time in your family’s busy schedule to fit in sports activities for young ones. However, HappyFeet Tampa Bay tries to combat this common problem with this solution: weekly preschool programs. 

Offering weekly classes to over 220 preschools and early learning centers throughout the greater Tampa Bay area, the HappyFeet curriculum doesn’t

Keep Kids Happy & Healthy 

Keep Kids Happy & Healthy 

WORDS: Children’s Health

A new school year is the perfect time to get back into a healthy routine. Kara Gann, Clinical Dietitian at Children’s Health℠, shares simple ways to make sure students are fueling properly for the school day. 

Make breakfast a priority 

Eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to start the day for children and adults alike. To encourage your kids to eat a good breakfast before

Less Screen, More Green: Outdoor Safety Tips for Kids

Less Screen, More Green: Outdoor Safety Tips for Kids


Outdoor time for kids is an essential part of their development. Unfortunately, most children’s average amount of unstructured outdoor playtime has been four to seven minutes per day, pre-pandemic. Coronavirus lockdowns have made matters worse, forcing even the most active kids to stay indoors.

As a parent, guardian, or childcare provider, you may have noticed that the abrupt change to children’s daily habits has made it challenging to …

Keeping Kids Safe Near Water…

Keeping Kids Safe Near Water…

WORDS: Petra Vybiralova, Safe Kids Supervisor Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

While families’ routines may still be disrupted due to the pandemic, we have to take into consideration that the weather is warming up, and water safety practices in and outside of the home should be refreshed and revisited.

In Florida, water poses one of the highest risks as the state leads the nation in the number of drownings. Many …

How to Babyproof Your Home – 6 Ways You May Have Missed

How to Babyproof Your Home – 6 Ways You May Have Missed


So you have a little crawler and it’s time to babyproof your home. You clip your cabinets, remove the choking hazards, and plug the outlets.

This is a great start!

Baby proofing is as much about your peace of mind as a parent as it is about your child’s safety.

Here are 6 additional techniques that will help you make your home a safe and fun place …

How Your Family Can Win the War Against Nature-deficit Disorder

How Your Family Can Win the War Against Nature-deficit Disorder

Playing in the great outdoors is something kids are doing less and less of these days, and it seems their well-being is suffering as a result. Not only that, but adults are also experiencing ill-effects from less time in nature. Thankfully, this is one parenting battle that’s pretty easy to win. Here are some weapons to add to your arsenal of knowledge.

What You’re Up Against

‘Nature-Deficit Disorder’ Is Real,

Parental Controls: Keeping Your Children Safe When Watching TV

Parental Controls: Keeping Your Children Safe When Watching TV

While you may or may not disagree about whether television has taken things too far in recent years given the slow erosion of content restrictions, you still want to make sure that your children aren’t exposed to inappropriate material when they are still too young to understand or properly process what they are seeing.

And violent, sexual, or otherwise problematic content is everywhere, and on most networks (broadcast or cable). …

The Path to Perfect Vision

The Path to Perfect Vision

WORDS: Dr. Paige Laudicina, Eye Center, Inc

Much like the fact that we are not born with the innate ability to recite our ABCs and 123s, we are not born with innately perfect vision, either. It’s a process for the visual system to develop, one that typically occurs through a series of events and along an average time-line. In this article I thought I’d discuss that average timeline, and when …




Your baby will spend many hours in their nursery, so it’s important to make this space as safe as possible when baby-proofing your home. From sleep time to playtime, each area of your nursery should protect your curious infant from harm. Plus, your nursery needs to be safe for a growing infant, even as they transition from sitting to crawling to walking, which may let them reach …

Get Your Prevention On

Get Your Prevention On


As parents, we talk to our kids about health and safety a lot. We tell them to buckle up in the car, to look both ways before crossing the street, and to brush their teeth after meals; it seems like it is never ending. But, what if you could drastically reduce the likelihood that your child would …